SIEC 2012
SIEC 2014
SIEC 2016
SIEC 2018
SIEC 2020
SIEC 2022

  Important dates  
Send papers until March 31, 2018
Evaluation of papers until May 15, 2018
Presentation at the congress of accepted papers 13 to 16 June 2018

Before March 31, 2018 sending forward complete text (maximum 5 pages) of each paper under the title, authors, university or institution, contact email, brief summary (maximum 50 words) and keywords (maximun 5), following publishing norms.

You accede as user to the menu Send communication, after having realized preinscripción. Follow the instructions, covering the information of the form and attaching file.

Can use any of the languages of the congress (English, Spanish, Galician, Portuguese, Italian or French).

  There will be a limit on the number of communications that can be presented at the conference, it must be at least one registered author per accepted paper and set up the equivalent of many authors who have registered as communications.  

Will be credited the submission of communications and participation in the congress.

  One or more publications will generate in electronic format (ebook) and paper.